I write blog entries in my head almost daily - so I finally decided to take the leap into actually creating them and getting them "out there". Sure, noone may ever read them, but I'll at least be honing my writing craft and entertaining myself in the process. And if Perez can do it, well, goshdarnit so can I. So here goes nothing!
In August, my fiance, Mr. T, my super fat cat, Phoebe, and I moved into a small, downtown Philly apartment, that has an equally small galley kitchen. This kitchen is now the scene of numerous culinary adventures as I learn the art of cooking in a tiny kitchen while venturing into the new world of cooking with meat (and butter!) from my days as a strict vegetarian (and non-butter user) Hilarity is sure to ensue as I perfect recipes and probably grow my waistline, learn my way around a new city and city-life, and enjoy every bite.....and I'm sure if you're reading this that you're hooked already!
So here it is - the first glance of my galley kitchen, piles of dishes, messy refrigerator and all:
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