Monday, October 17, 2011

A trial run...

This past weekend, the mister and I babysat for some friends of ours. They have an adorable 10 month old that we watched for a few hours while they attended a wedding for the evening.

I have to say in a sense it felt like a trial run for us. We know that we definitely want to have children not too far in the future, so it felt a little bit like we were seeing how we would do, if only for a few hours, for one night.


When my sister and I were young, an older cousin and his wife asked my parents if they could take my sister and I on some outings, as a trial run of sorts to help them decide if they ultimately wanted to have children, or were ready for it.

The story goes that we were all sitting around a booth at Chuck E. Cheese, and I, completely unprompted, announced in an extremely loud voice, "I have lice!" I can only imagine that at that moment, I was proud of this fact. It was something that made me unique, which is always a good thing when you're 5, and heck, I got to stay home from school even though I wasn't sick. What wasn't to be excited about? My cousin's wife was totally mortified, and insists that everyone at the tables around us all turned to stare at the little girl that was proud of her lice.

While I know everyone else finds me yelling about my lice the funny part of this story, I find the humor in the fact that my sister and I acted as one of the determining factors of if my cousins were going to have children or not. Nothing we did obviously deterred them too much, as they did end up having two kids of their own.


I think our first trial run went pretty well too. We had fun playing with her (she's exceptionally adorable and sweet) got her fed, in bed with a clean diaper, and asleep by 7:15. A success all around, but let's be honest - a few hours on a Saturday night, a brief outing to Chuck E. Cheese, none of this can really tell you how you'll be as parents. And while our little taste of it went well, I have to say that for now, I'm pretty content with this bundle of fluff being the only living thing I have to take care of.

She's pretty low maintenance, and cute to boot.

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